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Brooke Taylor AZ Realtor®

The Blog

Did you know that you can borrow money to buy a home from yourself if you have a 401k plan? Getting a 401k loan is one way to get additional money toward a down payment.  It’s a lump sum of money that is already yours — not the bank’s, not mom and dad’s, and not […]

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Love Selling Your Home – Week 3 This is the third article in the series called, Love Selling Your Home: Minimize Your Stress, Maximize Your Profit. It’s a step-by-step guide — from finding a real estate agent and all the way to settlement day.  First impressions from the get-go are very important when it comes […]

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This is the second article in the series called, Love Selling Your Home: Minimize Your Stress, Maximize Your Profit. It’s a step-by-step guide of the entire home-selling process — from finding a real estate agent to being prepared for your settlement day. Look for a new, informative article each week, right here!  You’re ready to […]

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Typically, the most buyers are out and about buying homes in the Spring market.  The Spring market around here starts as early as February.  But, there are already homes coming on the market and you could be the “early bird” buyer who gets the home! Here’s how to get started: Get Your Finances and Budget […]

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Love Selling Your Home Series – Week 1 This is the first article in the series called, Love Selling Your Home: Minimize Your Stress, Maximize Your Profit, a step-by-step guide to what you need to know to sell your home in today’s market.  This series will take you through the entire home-selling process — from […]

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When it comes to getting a mortgage, it’s easy to focus on the interest rate.  But, if you only focus on the interest rate, you might be missing some “hidden” fees that makes getting that interest rate more expensive.  That sounds counterproductive but it isn’t. Several factors will help create the best mortgage and interest […]

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If you’ve been thinking about selling your home and are just not sure of the steps involved or even where to start, then this 12-week Love Selling Your Home series is a must for you.  Each week, you’ll get great tips, tactics that work, and some of my best-kept secrets for sellers. I want to […]

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How to Get the Best Mortgage Series – Week 8 Follow this series to learn how to get the best mortgage for your specific financial situation and goals. You’ll see what steps you need to take throughout this process to make it productive and successful. This week you’ll learn all about Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) […]

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Selling your home can be an overwhelming and emotional experience. You need smart, straightforward strategies that will help you maximize your profits, maintain control, and reduce the stress that comes along with this process.  Although the exact strategy depends on a seller’s particular goals and timing, which I can discuss with each of you individually, […]

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How to Get the Best Mortgage Series – Week 6 Follow this series to learn how to get the best mortgage for your specific financial situation and goals. You’ll see what steps you need to take throughout this process to make it productive and successful. This week, you’ll learn about another loan option – adjustable […]

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Hi, I'm Brooke Taylor and I love to help first-time home buyers and sellers in Arizona! 

Need a new space, but don't know where to start?

Not sure if you can save for a downpayment?

Feeling like your first home has to be your "forever home?"

Well, you're in the right place!

Being a first-timer doesn't have to be scary or stressful. (And you don't even have to give up your coffee or avocado toast!)

I help first-time homebuyers and first time sellers make their real-estate goals a reality.

Whatever your situation, if your current living situation is just not working for you anymore, let's chat.

Schedule a free consultation now!

let's do this!

Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to your very own home

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