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Brooke Taylor AZ Realtor®


How to Get the Best Mortgage Series  – Week 1 Follow this series to learn how to get the best mortgage for your specific financial situation and goals.  You’ll see what steps you need to take throughout this process to make it productive and successful! This week’s article is all about what to say when […]

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Are you ready to improve your home with a remodeling project that you can’t wait to get started?   Maybe you are ready to finally redo that bathroom or kitchen. Or, maybe you’re finally ready to add on that master bedroom ensuite you’ve been dreaming about. One of the questions I get asked most often […]

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Did you know that you can borrow from yourself if you have a 401k plan? Getting a 401k loan is one way to get additional money toward a down payment.  It’s a lump sum of money that is already yours — not the bank’s!  It’s understandable if you may be wary of using any retirement […]

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How to Get Your Credit Score Up — Week 4 This series shines a light on the importance of your credit score when buying a home. Most buyers need to take out a mortgage, and that’s when your finances become an open book. Lenders will need to gauge if you’re worth the risk to lend […]

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Buying or selling in the Phoenix metro market requires an understanding of not only the seasonal shifts in market activity but also the weekly flow of the market.   This ebb and flow is not quite so simple to describe. So Iet’s take a look at it so you can better understand it. Whether you’re […]

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How to Get Your Credit Score Up — Week 3 Having a high credit score is important all the time, whether you are buying a home anytime soon or not.  Your FICO score and credit report are so vital to getting any type of loan, and this series will give you the financial strategies you […]

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Did an interest rate catch your attention the last time you were looking online?  Maybe you’ve been thinking about buying a home, buying an investment property, refinancing, or getting a line of credit.  However, it’s very rare that the interest rate you see online will be the one you get from a lender. There are […]

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How to Get Your Credit Score Up — Week 2 Having a high credit score is important all the time, whether you are buying a home anytime soon or not.  Your FICO score and credit report are so vital to getting any type of loan, and this series will give you the financial strategies you […]

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When you bought your home, you might have had to get Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI).   If so, you might have been paying it for a while and it could be time to petition your lender to stop this payment requirement. For a quick recap — PMI is insurance that protects the lender in case […]

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Having a high credit score is important all the time, whether you are buying a home anytime soon or not.  Your FICO score and credit report are so vital to getting any type of loan, and this series will give you the financial strategies you need to get your credit score as high as possible. […]

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Hi, I'm Brooke Taylor and I love to help first-time home buyers and sellers in Arizona! 

Need a new space, but don't know where to start?

Not sure if you can save for a downpayment?

Feeling like your first home has to be your "forever home?"

Well, you're in the right place!

Being a first-timer doesn't have to be scary or stressful. (And you don't even have to give up your coffee or avocado toast!)

I help first-time homebuyers and first time sellers make their real-estate goals a reality.

Whatever your situation, if your current living situation is just not working for you anymore, let's chat.

Schedule a free consultation now!

let's do this!

Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to your very own home

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