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Brooke Taylor AZ Realtor®


Anything you think is in your way can be removed if you really want to be a homeowner.  In fact, you’ll find out that some commonly perceived roadblocks are only myths, and you don’t need to delay your dreams anymore. If you are hesitant about moving forward, my new 5-week series is just for you […]

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Love Selling Your Home – Week 11 This is the eleventh article in the series called, Love Selling Your Home: Minimize Your Stress, Maximize Your Profit, a step-by-step guide to selling your home. This series takes you through the entire home-selling process — from finding a real estate agent to settlement day.  The big day […]

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Is the idea of having a home of your own become more important to you? It’s totally understandable that you reach a point that you don’t want to rent anymore or you want a home that better reflects your needs and wants.  When you purchase a house, a condo or a town home, you are […]

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Buying a home most likely will be one of your biggest purchases, and that’s why the decision to become a homeowner should be very personal one.  The timing should be determined by your own particular situation and finances and never because everyone else around you is doing it. Though I understand the temptation! Below are […]

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Love Selling Your Home – Week 9 This is the ninth article in the series called, Love Selling Your Home: Minimize Your Stress, Maximize Your Profit, a step-by-step guide to selling your home. This series takes you through the entire home-selling process — from finding a real estate agent to settlement day.  You’re now one […]

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Do you know what you need to look out for when buying a home? If not, here are the top 5 things you need to consider so you can quickly move on to the next listing and not have any regrets. 1)     Location and Neighborhood No matter what type of home you buy – condo, […]

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Love Selling Your Home – Week 8 This is the eighth article in the series called, Love Selling Your Home: Minimize Your Stress, Maximize Your Profit, a step-by-step guide to selling your home. This series takes you through the entire home-selling process — from finding a real estate agent to settlement day.  Just because your […]

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You’re in the market to buy a home and up pops “title insurance” in the buying process. Are you stumped and not sure exactly why you need to get it?  Here’s a Q&A that should clear up any uncertainty. What is Title Insurance? Why is this important? The home you want to purchase may have […]

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Love Selling Your Home – Week 7 This is the seventh article in the series called, Love Selling Your Home: Minimize Your Stress, Maximize Your Profit, a step-by-step guide to selling your home. This series takes you through the entire home-selling process — from finding a real estate agent to settlement day.  Selling a home […]

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It’s both exciting and a little scary to buy your first, or even your next home. That feeling of nervousness and not knowing what to expect is normal!   That’s why it’s important to have a strategy from start to finish if you want to find the right home for you, especially these past few […]

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Hi, I'm Brooke Taylor and I love to help first-time home buyers and sellers in Arizona! 

Need a new space, but don't know where to start?

Not sure if you can save for a downpayment?

Feeling like your first home has to be your "forever home?"

Well, you're in the right place!

Being a first-timer doesn't have to be scary or stressful. (And you don't even have to give up your coffee or avocado toast!)

I help first-time homebuyers and first time sellers make their real-estate goals a reality.

Whatever your situation, if your current living situation is just not working for you anymore, let's chat.

Schedule a free consultation now!

let's do this!

Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to your very own home

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